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From the small part I was able to play, this game was so cool! Puzzle solving horror is always extremely rewarding. I had an issue where my game encountered a "fatal error" and the game would close down and I'd have to start over, so unfortunately I didn't get to play much of it, but if I can find out whats wrong, I look forward to playing the rest!

I play your game (and a couple others) and leave feedback in my video below. You can also vote for your game to advance on my channels competition for best indie horror game of january over at my youtube channels community page. I'll be 3D printing a scene or monster for the winning games dev!

Thank you for playing our game! We'll try to fix the fatal error bug as fast as we can!! :)

let me know when you think youve got it fixed Im excited to play

Thank you! :)

We just  updated the game if you want to try it now? And we think we’ve finally fixed the "Fatal Error" issue that’s been causing trouble for some players. Check it out here: 🔗 Mantable Doll House Chapter 2 Update If you have any issues with the fatal error again please do not be afraid to reach out!! :)


Very Dark +100 points fronm me >:3

Thank you!! :3



Thank you for playing!!!!


W!!! Gamee broski!!

Thank you!


Nice game!


Thank you for playing :)

(1 edit)

Entertaining vid man XD


Another great release!! Better than the original in my opinion! Although there is a slight problem with the door, but it's good other wise!!


Thank you!!






Looking sickk🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Thank you so much for playing!!!


Like it lot Way bigger rooms and puzzles than last time Epic Game! :)


Thank you for playing my game!!!!!!!!!!!! :>


Thanks I wanted to go bigger and better!